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Catalog Number: VNT306

  • Cuts Perfect V-Shaped Notches in Nozzles

  • Safest Way to Trim V-Notches

  • This CRL V-Notch Cutter is the quickest and safest way to trim your nozzles. Cutting the proper V-Notch on a urethane cartridge nozzle can be difficult and dangerous if you do not use the proper tool. The CRL V-Notch Cutter is a high quality tool that comes with tempered steel jaws, a spring loaded handle with non-slip plastic grips, and a thumb controlled jaw locking device.

    CRL V-Notch Nozzle Cutter


    Altri prodotti/finiture:

    VNT306 CRL V-Notch Nozzle Cutter

    Numero articolo:VNT306
    Disponibile anche in questi cataloghi:
    CRL43 Auto Glass Tools and Hardware, PAGINA A144
    Spedire via::Si può spedire con UPS
    Peso della spedizione::1 lb (454g)
    Ordine Minimo:1 Each

    To use this tool, take a utility knife and cut the end of the nozzle tip to give yourself a 1/4" (6.4 mm) or larger bead. Next, insert the CRL V-Notch Cutter tool inside the nozzle. Squeeze the handle and you have a perfect V-Notch. To correctly set the height of your V-Notch, place the nozzle (with a pre-cut end) on the pinchweld. Mark the height of the body panel on the nozzle and trim to that height. This will provide you with the proper height for compression of the urethane bead.

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